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AWOS – firma transportowa z przeszło 20-sto letnim doświadczeniem.

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warehouse moving box


Warehousing Services

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Ocean Freight Services

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Air Freight Services


Firma Transportowa AWOS

Firma Transportowa AWOS została założona w kwietniu 1989 roku i od początku oferuje Państwu usługi spedycyjne oraz logistyczne na terenie całego kraju.
Jest firmą specjalizującą się w przewozach ładunków różnego asortymentu. Wraz ze wzrostem zapotrzebowania klientów na transport poza granicami kraju, rozwinięty został transport międzynarodowy towarów na wszystkich pojazdach,tym samym dając klientom możliwość przewozu ładunku. Ponad 20-letnie doświadczenie firmy wraz ze stale unowocześnianym taborem oraz doświadczoną kadrą, pozwala na zaoferowanie Państwu usług transportowych na godnym zaufania poziomie.


Sprawdź niezbędne dokumenty związane ze świadczonymi przez nami usługami.



Baza transportowa AWOS to przeszło 30 pojazdów o różnym tonażu.

The Fastest Delivery


ogromna powierzchnia terenu wraz z halą wyposażoną w suwnicę z udźwigiem do 5 ton.


To nie wszystkie usługi jakie można zamówić w naszej firmie.

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Talk LTD: Consistent Pick-up / Deliveries

The producer was experiencing late pickup and deliveries from their current transportation provider…

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Talk AutoGen: Freight Audit Solution

The supplier was being challenged to reduce LTL, truckload and expedite costs. They wanted one point of…

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Talk GFC: Trailer Shuttle / Spotting Service

The producer’s in house carrier was providing the shuttle service with their over-the-road drivers. Trailers were…

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We pride ourselves on providing the best transport and shipping services available allover the world. Our skilled personnel, utilising communications, tracking and processing software, combined with decades of experience! Through integrated supply chain solutions, Equita drives sustainable competitive advantages to some of Australia’s largest companies.

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International supply chains involves challenging regulations.

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International supply chains involves challenging regulations.

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International supply chains involves challenging regulations.

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International supply chains involves challenging regulations.

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Vehicles traveling on these networks may include of the trucks, watercraft world wide services provider.

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We pride ourselves on providing the best transport and shipping services available allover the world. Our skilled personnel, utilising communications, tracking and processing software, combined with decades of experience! Through integrated supply chain solutions, Equita drives sustainable competitive advantages to some of Australia’s largest companies.

Inline Notice Block

You can use this block to create notifications or special messages on the page. It helps to highlight some information or draw interest to specific content. The block also comes with settings for font size, notice color, text color and whether or not to make the block dismissible. The dismissible notice works by using localStorage. …

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Advanced Columns Block

The Advanced Columns Block empowers you to make your very own page format with a basic arrangement. You can specify the number of sections, and format every section to your liking. You can also customize the colors, margins, paddings, responsiveness, and much more. 2 Columns: 3 Columns: 4 Columns:

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Accordion Block

Accordion block provide accordion effect to your blocks, allowing you to display information in collapsible rows. This block is usually used to display collapsible content such as FAQs or to manage the display of different text heavy content. Default Style Custom Colors & Fonts

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Author Profile Block

The Author Profile block enable you to display a user’s name, bio and profile image. You can enter a name, add a position and a description, download an avatar, and provide links to social networks. Alternatively, you can change the font size, avatar shape, background color, text color, link color, and social media URLs in the block. …

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Button Block

The Button Block allows you to add buttons linking to other pages on your website or to an external page. You can set the style of the button and adjust it according to the design of your website. The following options are available for setting: the link target, button shape, button size and button colors. Small Circular …

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Call to Action Block

The Call-To-Action block is great tool for bringing attention to actionable items or buttons that you want your users to click! You can prompt them to learn more, download, buy and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Without Background With Color Background With Image Background

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Inline Notice Block

You can use this block to create notifications or special messages on the page. It helps to highlight some information or draw interest to specific content. The block also comes with settings for font size, notice color, text color and whether or not to make the block dismissible. The dismissible notice works by using localStorage. …

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Advanced Columns Block

The Advanced Columns Block empowers you to make your very own page format with a basic arrangement. You can specify the number of sections, and format every section to your liking. You can also customize the colors, margins, paddings, responsiveness, and much more. 2 Columns: 3 Columns: 4 Columns:

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Accordion Block

Accordion block provide accordion effect to your blocks, allowing you to display information in collapsible rows. This block is usually used to display collapsible content such as FAQs or to manage the display of different text heavy content. Default Style Custom Colors & Fonts

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Author Profile Block

The Author Profile block enable you to display a user’s name, bio and profile image. You can enter a name, add a position and a description, download an avatar, and provide links to social networks. Alternatively, you can change the font size, avatar shape, background color, text color, link color, and social media URLs in the block. …

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Button Block

The Button Block allows you to add buttons linking to other pages on your website or to an external page. You can set the style of the button and adjust it according to the design of your website. The following options are available for setting: the link target, button shape, button size and button colors. Small Circular …

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Call to Action Block

The Call-To-Action block is great tool for bringing attention to actionable items or buttons that you want your users to click! You can prompt them to learn more, download, buy and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Without Background With Color Background With Image Background

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Inline Notice Block

You can use this block to create notifications or special messages on the page. It helps to highlight some information or draw interest to specific content. The block also comes with settings for font size, notice color, text color and whether or not to make the block dismissible. The dismissible notice works by using localStorage. …

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Advanced Columns Block

The Advanced Columns Block empowers you to make your very own page format with a basic arrangement. You can specify the number of sections, and format every section to your liking. You can also customize the colors, margins, paddings, responsiveness, and much more. 2 Columns: 3 Columns: 4 Columns:

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Accordion Block

Accordion block provide accordion effect to your blocks, allowing you to display information in collapsible rows. This block is usually used to display collapsible content such as FAQs or to manage the display of different text heavy content. Default Style Custom Colors & Fonts

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Author Profile Block

The Author Profile block enable you to display a user’s name, bio and profile image. You can enter a name, add a position and a description, download an avatar, and provide links to social networks. Alternatively, you can change the font size, avatar shape, background color, text color, link color, and social media URLs in the block. …

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Button Block

The Button Block allows you to add buttons linking to other pages on your website or to an external page. You can set the style of the button and adjust it according to the design of your website. The following options are available for setting: the link target, button shape, button size and button colors. Small Circular …

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Call to Action Block

The Call-To-Action block is great tool for bringing attention to actionable items or buttons that you want your users to click! You can prompt them to learn more, download, buy and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Without Background With Color Background With Image Background

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